Islamic School and Education
The center continues to organize its ongoing weekend school program which has been in existence since 2001. The staff is concentrating on devising and strengthening the necessary plan to establish a full time Islamic school starting at an elementary level.

Community Programs
The center offers ongoing family and youth programs. In addition, it provides a facility for private social gatherings which has access to a modern commercial kitchen.

Interfaith Activities
The center provides the necessary facilities to continue its role in interfaith activities in which it has participated during the past 10 years through its relationships with Tent of Abraham and CONECT.

Outreach Programs
The center continues to run the free tax preparation program (February to April). In addition, it continues to sponsor outreach programs that include the Food Pantry and the weekly soup kitchen in association with the Norma F. Pfriem Urban Outreach Initiatives, Inc.

Social Events
The community enjoys many social and fun events such as Eid parties, picnics and movie nights. It is a place where every community member can find programs that fulfill his / her needs.